Sun, Jul 16, 2023

The Man Who Got Involved

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The Christian life is to be one of interaction and community. We follow the example of our Savior as we serve one another. We are to be active in one another's lives. This Sunday, @ Jennerstown United Methodist Church, we conclude our series called WHO ARE THESE GUYS (AND GALS)? with a message entitled "The Man Who Got Involved." Join us for our ONE worship service OUTSIDE in the church parking lot @ 10am. It is National Ice Cream Day so stick around for our ice cream bar following our time of worship. And the hope is that we will be online as well. Please share this post on your page.
Duration:16 mins 10 secs
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Contact Us

Box 201
1673 East Pitt Street
(Route 30 East)
Jennerstown, PA 15547
Chuck Hildbold, Pastor
Amanda Stillwagon, Secretary


Sunday Worship
    Traditional:          9:00 AM
    Contemporary:  11:10 AM  

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