Sun, Aug 07, 2022

How To Win Arguments

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In many respects, sadly, the church is no different from the rest of the world. There is to be a difference, though, and that is how we handle our differences. This Sunday, we continue in our series called PHILIPPIANS: MORE THAN HAPPINESS with a message entitled "How To Win Arguments." Join us @ 9am or 11:10am or online @ 9am. Also, save the date of Sunday August 21 as Michael O'Brien will lead us in worship and be in concert that evening @ 6pm. More on that next week or on the church webpage.
Duration:27 mins 20 secs
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Contact Us

Box 201
1673 East Pitt Street
(Route 30 East)
Jennerstown, PA 15547
Chuck Hildbold, Pastor
Amanda Stillwagon, Secretary


Sunday Worship
    Traditional:          9:00 AM
    Contemporary:  11:10 AM  

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