Sun, Jul 31, 2022

Stand Still and Keep Moving

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How do you hold on to the right things and let go of the wrong things? That is an important question when you consider the condition of our country and our world. This Sunday, we continue in our series called PHILIPPIANS: MORE THAN HAPPINESS with a message entitled "Stand Still and Keep Moving." Join us for worship @ 9am or 11:10 am or online @ 9am.
Duration:26 mins 35 secs
Powered by: Preachitsuite

Contact Us

Box 201
1673 East Pitt Street
(Route 30 East)
Jennerstown, PA 15547
Chuck Hildbold, Pastor
Amanda Stillwagon, Secretary


Sunday Worship
    Traditional:          9:00 AM
    Contemporary:  11:10 AM  

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