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Sun, Apr 25, 2021
Passage: 1 Samuel 9-28
Duration: 29 mins 47 secs
People today are looking for somewhere to put their confidence. The government? Celebrities? Medicine? The stars? There is only one place where your confidence can be secure. This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message entitled "Where Is Your Confidence?"Join us @ 9am & 11:10am in person or @ 9am online as we "confidently" answer that question.
Sun, Apr 18, 2021
Passage: 1 Samuel 1-8
Duration: 26 mins 44 secs
One was incompetent and afraid. Another was in way over his head. Still another heard the voice of God and was blessed. This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? discussing three individuals and the way they obeyed (or didn't). The message is entitled "Lessons on Listening". Join us in person @ 9am & 11:10am or online @ 9am. We hope to see you!
Sun, Apr 11, 2021
Passage: Judges 13-16
Duration: 22 mins 20 secs
Easter was a big deal and this Sunday will be as well! So often, we get caught in a destructive cycle that is hard to get out of. This Sunday, we will give practical steps for geting out of any that we might find ourselves in as we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? The message is entitled "Intercepting Spiritual Entropy". Join us for in-person worship @ 9am and 11:10am and online @ 9am. Share this post with your friends so that they can join us as well.
Sun, Apr 04, 2021
Passage: Luke 18:9-14
Duration: 22 mins 52 secs
The miracle of Easter has removed the stain of shame and guilt from every believer's life. The reality of the empty grave gives us the assurance that death does not have the final word. This Sunday is Easter and we will celebrate our risen Savior with a message entitled "Guilty No More!" We gather for in-person worship @ either 9am & 11:10am or online @ 9am.
Sun, Mar 28, 2021
Passage: Judges
Duration: 27 mins 59 secs
We disobey God and are then enslaved to the trouble around us. We cry out for help and God, in His love and mercy, rescues us and then we live in a time of peace. The problem is we repeat that cycle over and over again. This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message discussing that scenario entitled "Spiritual Entropy." Join us for in-person worship @ 9am & 11:10am and online @ 9am.
Sun, Mar 21, 2021
Duration: 26 mins 8 secs
There is nothing holy about war yet the children of God were involved in battles and wars that resulted in much bloodshed and horror. How can that be and what does it mean for us today in the 21st century? This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message entitled "Holy War." Join us for in-person worship @ 9am & 11:10am and online @ 9am. Share this message with your friends so that they might a part of our time together.
Sun, Mar 14, 2021
Passage: Joshua
Duration: 25 mins 1 sec
Sometimes God waits to act until we begin to move in faith. That is where trust comes in, that God will always do what is best in our lives. This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message entitled "The Law of the First Step." Join us for in-person worship @ 9am or 11:10am or online @ 9am. Share this post on your page as well. We would love to have you join us!
Sun, Mar 07, 2021
Passage: Deuteronomy
Duration: 24 mins 9 secs
God's law was established so that the rest of the world could look on in amazement to see how life truly should be lived out. Even and especially today, we, who are followers of Jesus, are to be living examples for the rest of the world. This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message entitled "Loving God's Law." Join us for in-person worship @ 9am & 11:10am and online @ 9am. We hope you will join us!
Sun, Feb 21, 2021
Duration: 27 mins 10 secs
What can we learn when life seems to have no direction? How can we grow as followers of Christ in hard times? This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message entitled "Wilderness Lessons." Join us for worship either in-person @ 9am and 11:10am or online @ 9am. Share this post so that others might have the opportunity to join us as well.
Sun, Feb 21, 2021
Duration: 24 mins 8 secs
Worship was vital to the Israelites. God gave instructions as to how and where and when. Those seemingly "tedious" regulations can give us, today, lessons for worship too. This Sunday, we continue in our series called WHO NEEDS THE OLD TESTAMENT? with a message entitled "What Indiana Jones Was Looking For." Join us for in-person worship @ 9am & 11:10am and online @ 9am. Share this message so that we might worship together.
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Contact Us

Box 201
1673 East Pitt Street
(Route 30 East)
Jennerstown, PA 15547
Chuck Hildbold, Pastor
Amanda Stillwagon, Secretary


Sunday Worship
    Traditional:          9:00 AM
    Contemporary:  11:10 AM  

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