Follow The Leader

Follow The Leader

Sep 2023 - Mar 2024
Sermons in this series
Sun, Mar 31, 2024
Duration: 25 mins 28 secs
How do you celebrate the disaster of a day? What seemed hopeless was actually fantastic! This Sunday, Easter Sunday, we conclude our series in the Old Testament book of Joshua with a message entitled "Dead Men Do Tell Tales." We worship @ 9am or 11:10am or online @ 9am. Please share this post on your page and help us celebrate this grandest of days!!
Sun, Mar 24, 2024
Duration: 21 mins 19 secs
A covenant, a promise, was made centuries ago that still applies to us today. Our moral standards are different than what the world offers. You are invited to find out about that covenant this Sunday, Palm Sunday, in a message entitled "The Witness Stone." We meet for worship @ 9am & 11:10 & are online @ 9am. Please share this post on your page.
Sun, Mar 17, 2024
Duration: 24 mins 2 secs
Choices. We make them multiple times a day. Have your choices honored God? Provided for your family a model of Christlikeness? This Sunday, we continue in our series based on the Old Testament book of Joshua with a message entitled "As For Me And My House." We meet for worship @ 9am & 11:10am as well as online @ 9am. Please join us and share this page as well!
Sun, Mar 10, 2024
Duration: 29 mins 55 secs
The last 2 chapters of the book of Joshua could be seen as a last will and testament from an old man. What does the Bible have to say about old age? This Sunday, we continue in our series in the book of Joshua with a message simply entitled "Reflections." Join us for worship @ 9am or 11:10am or online @ 9am. Please share this post on your page too!
Sun, Mar 03, 2024
Duration: 22 mins 26 secs
You see it. You talk about it. What you "think" you see isn't exactly what is & the result can lead to hurt feelings, battles or even wars. This Sunday, we continue in our series based on the Old Testament book of Joshua with a message entitled "How Gossip Stinks." We meet for worship @ 9am & 11:10am as well as online @ 9am. Please join us & share this post on your page!
Sun, Feb 25, 2024
Duration: 21 mins 5 secs
One thing that most of us can agree on is that we are not patient people. What we want we want now! Some of the tribes in the Old Testament show us the value of patience. This Sunday, we continue in our series in the book of Joshua with a message entitled "Wait For It..." Join us for worship @ 9am or 11:10am or online @ 9am. Please share this post on your page!
Sun, Feb 18, 2024
Passage: Joshua 21:0
Duration: 23 mins 27 secs
"Little" white lies. Divorce. Politicians. Cheating spouses. Betrayals. All of those words have something to do with promises broken. This Sunday, we continue in our series in the book of Joshua with a messsage entitled "Promises Kept." Come and see how God always keeps His promises. We meet @ 9am & 11:10am & are online @ 9am. Please like AND share this post on your page!
Sun, Feb 11, 2024
Passage: Joshua 20:0
Duration: 22 mins 29 secs
We serve a practical God. His Word explains His practicality and so much more! This Sunday, we continue in our study of the Old Testament book of Joshua with a message entitled "That Makes Sense." Join us for our ONE worship service @ 10am which will also be online. Sunday School begins @ 9am. Following worship, you are invited to our annual Love & Lasagna meal. Come and prepare to feast on God's Word and good food!
Sun, Feb 04, 2024
Passage: Joshua 15-19
Duration: 21 mins 37 secs
The God we worship is a God of history. He cares about what happens in the process of history. This Sunday, we continue in our study in the Old Testament book of Joshua with a message entitled "Land Divisions." We meet for worship @ 9am & 11:10am & online @ 9am. Please join us and share this post on your Facebook page as a way of inviting your friends to learn about Jesus.
Sun, Jan 28, 2024
Passage: Joshua 14:0
Duration: 23 mins 58 secs
There were only 2 men who entered the Promised Land that were at least 80 years old. This Sunday, we are introduced to one of them. The message is entitled "My Man, Caleb" and we will learn 5 things that God gave him that are also available to us. Join us for worship @ 9am or 11:10am or online @ 9am. Please share this post on your page wherever you live!
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Contact Us

Box 201
1673 East Pitt Street
(Route 30 East)
Jennerstown, PA 15547
Chuck Hildbold, Pastor
Amanda Stillwagon, Secretary


Sunday Worship
    Traditional:          9:00 AM
    Contemporary:  11:10 AM  

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